EMHWare is a health-care domain product. Its micro niche is to cater all the agencies that are actively working in the mental-health domain. 250+ agencies are currently using them to manage and cater the needs of their patients/clients. Patients/clients have their own dedicated portal wherein they can see their own health records, notes and case data. There are various categories in which all the patents get segregated. All 360-degree information regarding the patient is effectively captured, managed and reported in this product. As this product captures sensitive information of the client, the agencies can capture patient’s consent using different types of consent forms that they can dynamically create and use for future use. Patient appointments and notes can easily be managed through the product. The extensive reporting module provides different types of reports of the patients to the agencies. All the information that is captured through this product is sensitive, so security got a major focus here. While logging in to the product offers 2-factor authentication through email/SMS (as preferred by the agencies), multi-tenant architecture is used to share a dedicated space among various agencies without compromising the data. Above all, all the captured or updated information is shared with the regional government through SHIIP integration. This is a highly configurable product that can be used based on the requirements of the different agencies.
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